Thursday, November 02, 2006

A New Season

The new season started last weekend at Hahamonga Park. It wasn't the ideal location for a first practice, but the UCLA game forced us to be flexible. As an assistant coach this season I'm still figuring out what my role and responsibilities are. I probably won't run with the participants during practice, only in short bursts to see how they're doing. However, FJ and I are hoping to do our own runs either in the afternoon or on Sunday. I'm trying to build up quickly to longer miles because I frankly find the shorter distances a little boring right now. Arrogance!

My longest run since returning from Europe has been five miles. I ran a five miler with Club Run LA on Monday night and I was able to complete it in 43 minutes flat, including time spent at stop lights. I did about 4.5 miles this morning at the gym in 40 minutes. I'm still trying to lose weight. Flat stomach is the goal for Christmas.

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