Sunday, March 09, 2008

Not Drowning But Swimming...

Little swimmer, originally uploaded by capitan-patata.

Some time next year, I think, I will be competing in my first triathlon. That's the goal at least. To work towards it I've started taking swimming lessons at the Rose Bowl Aquatics Center. Yesterday was my second class and it went better than my first.

I kind of know how to swim, but not very efficiently. My legs keep dragging and I'm winded after only ten meters. Needless to say I'm not taking to swimming as quickly and as well as I did to running. Swimming requires more coordination than I'm capable of, the leg movements, the strokes, the breathing, it's all too much for me at times. With some regular practice, though, I can see myself becoming a decent swimmer by the end of the year. To that end Jane and I are thinking of getting a membership and practicing together. I'd feel self-conscious going to a pool by myself and looking like an amateur, but with two of us amateurs at least we'll have each other. Who knows? Maybe I'll turn out a better swimmer than I could ever expect.

Not likely.

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