Thursday, March 22, 2007

Bring Back the Herald-Examiner!

The Los Angeles Times is falling apart. Andres Martinez, the Opinion editor, just quit after a brouhaha over potential conflict of interest over the (shameful) gimmick of bringing in producer Brian Grazer to guest edit the opinion pages for this Sunday's edition. It seems like no one stays at the Times for too long. Michael Newman, who I derided for calling much of L.A. ugly, is also leaving next month. Circulation is down (check the latest issue of Los Angeles Magazine) and I'm sure morale is at an all-time low. It's sad to see a newspaper I used to devour, especially on Sundays, become a sad version of itself. I was so proud of myself when I subscribed my first year of college. Nowadays, at $0.50, I think it's too expensive for what it provides. Sad, sad, sad. Blame the Tribune for the Times' problems. Even with the avalanche of Pulitzers a few years ago, it was obvious ever since the Tribune took over the Times has been in decline.

I know one way they can save the paper. Hire me! I'm cheap.

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